home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $VER: simplefind_dopus.rexx 1.0 (25.01.98)
- * Allows SimpleFind to show its results in a DOpus lister
- */
- options results
- sfportname = 'SIMPLEFIND.1'
- scriptportname = 'SIMPLEFIND_DOPUS'
- dopusportname = 'DOPUS.1'
- /* chek for Dopus */
- if ~show('p',dopusportname) then do
- say 'Directory Opus doesn''t run'
- exit
- end
- /* open rexxsupport.library which gives us some functions to
- handle messages */
- if ~show('l','rexxsupport.library') then
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30)
- /* load SimpleFind if not already done */
- if ~show('p',sfportname) then do
- address command 'run >NIL: <NIL: /SimpleFind guimode=showgui'
- loaded=0
- do for 25 while loaded=0
- delay(15)
- if show('p',sfportname) then loaded=1
- end
- if loaded=0 then exit
- drop loaded
- end
- /* create own messageport, which SimpleFind uses to send a message
- to the Script */
- if ~openport( scriptportname ) then exit
- address value sfportname
- addnotifyport scriptportname /* tell SimpleFind where to send the messages */
- dontshowresults /* no ResultWindow Needed */
- cl = 0; /* no currentlister yet */
- do until event='quit'
- waitpkt(scriptportname) /* Wait for a message, sent by SimpleFind */
- packet = getpkt(scriptportname) /* Get the message */
- if packet ~= '00000000'x then do
- event = getarg(packet,0) /* Get the message command */
- reply(packet) /* Reply the Message */
- if event = 'start searching' then do
- /* prepare the lister */
- address value dopusportname
- lister new
- cl = result
- lister SET cl BUSY 1
- lister EMPTY cl
- lister SET cl TITLE "SimpleFind"
- lister REFRESH cl FULL
- end
- if event = 'ready' then do
- /* fill in the lister */
- address value sfportname
- getmaxentries
- entries = result
- getmaxfullpathlen
- mfpl = result
- setentrypos 0
- address value dopusportname
- lister SET cl NAMELENGTH mfpl
- do for entries
- /* get current entry and move cursor to the next entry */
- address
- getentrynext
- /* add the entry to the list */
- address
- lister ADD cl '"'entry.name'"' entry.size "-1" entry.seconds "rwed" entry.comment
- end
- lister REFRESH cl
- lister SET cl BUSY 0
- cl = 0
- end
- end
- end
- if show('p',sfportname) then do
- address value sfportname
- removenotifyport scriptportname
- end